You & Me

Together for freedom

Together we can make it ...

We need openness for new solutions & new paths, because the paths we have taken so far have led us straight into the current crisis.

The definition of madness is,
to do the same thing over and over again and expect other results.
(Albert Einstein)

We therefore need new forms of political decision-making and new systems (health, economy, nutrition, …) in which people are once again at the centre.

The state is for the people
and not the people there for the state.
(Albert Einstein)

I believe in a loving cooperation of all people. This requires not only new “healthy” structures but also people’s openness to personal change.

Christian Althoff

It is not the things themselves that burden us,
but our view of things. (Epictetus)

After many years in the business world I started my own business in 2009 as a mental trainer with a focus on holistic health. Clarity in thinking & a courageous heart are important to me.
I would like to give all children of this world a future in peace and freedom, where they are happy.

My vision:
Leading people into their freedom.

On my website ( you can find more information about my work as a mental coach. There you can also download my E-Book “Manege frei für ein gesundes Leben” for free.

Join us with all your creativity, love & power ...

Love is more important than knowledge,
because knowledge is limited.


The basis for freedom

8 billion people with heart & mind


We need new ideas & solutions for this time of change. And most of these solutions already exist - we just have to implement them. Since our own thinking & acting brought us to where we are right now, we also need openness & courage to develop ourselves further.


Half-truths and lies are the decline of man and society. Honesty, on the other hand, is the basis of being human and of a functioning society. It is about truth towards myself and others.


To be free is our right. Freedom & democracy are delicate plants. In order for them to blossom, we need committed, responsible people who are committed to them. Your inner freedom is always the prerequisite for your outer freedom.


We humans are fundamentally connected with each other in our hearts. Through our own unconsciousness and external manipulation, however, that which separates easily gains the upper hand. So we are currently experiencing a world full of crises, diseases & struggle.


Our life finds its expression in meaningful action. Being human is therefore closely connected with finding meaning in our lives.
Misanthropic techniques and senseless systems can be reformed by the Spirit of Truth, Freedom and Love.

(Self) Love

Self-love is the basis of life. It is the signpost that shows us what is right. It connects us with other people and the whole creation. A person who loves himself takes good care of himself, of others and of nature.