The Top 10 “Facts & Truths”
1) The most important characteristic of democracy is freedom of expression
How is it possible that a government in such a (supposedly) serious situation does not let all experts from all fields and of course all citizens have their say?
Other opinions are not only ignored, but defamed as “conspiracy theory”.
There my alarm bells shrill siren-like!
2) Politicians & media create fear & panic
We are confronted with news and images that are meant to consciously frighten us, to make us feel helpless and let everything happen to us.
Fear creates stress, fear makes us physically ill, fear makes us mentally ill.
A “wise king”, who would have to lead his people through a threatening situation, would strengthen the people, give them confidence and thus strengthen their physical and mental immune system.
3) Many measures are exaggerated
Most measures are not even scientifically justified. Whether it is a lockdown, curfew, face mask or contact ban – the government acts according to the principle of disproportionality and non-scientificity!
4) Severe punishments and intimidation by the police
We are responsible citizens* of our country and do not accept authoritarian policemen or exorbitant punishments in case of an administrative offence.
5) Police violence during peaceful demonstrations
It is an absolute alarm signal when peaceful citizens* (including women and old people) are intimidated, forcibly removed and injured.
6) None of the horror reports announced by politics & media have come true
And this is NOT (!!!!) because of the quick and caring reaction of our government, but because at no time was there any such danger.
Already at the time when the economy and society were sealed off, the infection rate (reproduction rate) was below “1”.
At no time were the hospitals even remotely overburdened; instead, staff were sent on short-time working.
7) Data were wrongly determined and misinterpreted
In many countries, all deaths in which the coronavirus has been detected are counted as “coronary deaths”, although in about 95%(!) of autopsies it was proven that these people died from various pre-existing conditions.
8) The health system is in the hands of the pharmaceutical and vaccination industry
The WHO is financed to about 75% by earmarked private donations. Bill Gates and large pharmaceutical companies influence WHO massively for its purposes.
The private Johns Hopkins University, the Robert Koch Institute and the Charité (Prof. Drosten) also receive generous donations and research contracts.
9) Why did so many people die in Northern Italy?
– in Italy all(!) deaths are counted as corona deaths, where the corona virus was detected at the time of death, although in about 95% other causes have led to death
– Due to the poor state of the Italian health system, hospitals are already overburdened even under normal conditions. As a result, corona patients have been transferred from hospitals to nursing homes, massively infecting the risk group of older people with pre-existing conditions.
– in Italy, deaths due to hospital germs are about four times as high as in Germany
– In February there was a large-scale vaccination campaign in this region and Italy is generally a very heavily vaccinated country. The corona strikes particularly easily when an influenza vaccination is administered.
– Air pollution in northern Italy is among the worst in the world (as in Wuhan and the Madrid area) and weakens the lung function of many people.
– the treatment of corona patients was (partly) not optimal, because the patients’ immune system was further weakened by high doses of antibiotics and artificial respiration (intubation) was a much too strong intervention for most patients.
Plandemic Movie
A feature film about the criminal machinations of the pharmaceutical and vaccination industry, which have been infiltrating state healthcare systems and medical universities worldwide for many decades.
The film is scheduled to be released in cinemas in the summer of 2020. Here is a first important excerpt, in which among others the virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits reveals her insider knowledge.
The film excerpt is expressly released by the manufacturers for download and further distribution (https://plandemicmovie.com/).
Citizens’ Initiatives for Democracy & Peace
Initiative for evidence-based corona information https://www.initiative-corona.info/
Corona Transverse Front https://www.corona-querfront.com/)
Resistance 2020 (https://widerstand2020.de/)
Not without us (https://www.nichtohneuns.de/)
I disagree (https://ichbinanderermeinung.de/)
Latest important articles
Clear words from Bundestag Vice President Kubicki: “The task of politics is to encourage!
Stefan Homburg in the Handelsblatt (May 7): Not relaxations must be justified, but the continuation of restrictions
Claudia Wild (Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment) in STANDARD: Anxiety-plagued control policy
Gerald Grosz: Merkel, Kurz & Co. unmasked “the lonely victory of Sebastian Kurz in just under 5 minutes. If it wasn’t for Sweden…”
PRERADOVIC: Interview with Dr. Homburg about figures from the Robert Koch Institute.
Model Sweden successful in overcoming the corona crisis
The Pandora’s box of Klaus Puchleitner
Thorsten Schulte: Explosive study & total failure of the RKI! Questions to Merkel & Spahn & Co.
Coach Cecil: Corona Report No. 12
Ernst Wolff: Corona crisis, financial crash, profiteers, the WHO and the role of Bill Gates
Platforms with critical & independent information on politics, economy & corona
Knowledge Factory (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCruX0f0QtZGDCZXMCp3Bn6A)
Rubicon News (https://www.rubikon.news/)
KenFM (https://www.youtube.com/user/wwwKenFMde)
Eva Herman (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFWzMvdg4JvQTeHATrTEpPw)
acTVism Munich (https://www.youtube.com/user/acTVismMunich)
SWPRS (https://swprs.org/)