New ways for a new era
Why do we experience this attack on civil rights & freedom, especially in the western democracies?
Why are we letting our society & economy be taken hostage by a small virus, which takes a different course than influenza, but on the bottom line, on the basis of current figures, does not represent a greater danger?
At the moment we meet politicians, scientists & journalists who are very good at one thing above all – namely, to stand up for their cause with all their strength and authority and with emphasis in the chest sound of conviction. For their conviction. For their truth. For their interests.
The outside – as we know from psychology – is always a mirror of our inner world. That which touches us negatively (massively) on the outside shows us in truth exactly what we ourselves would have to do. And it usually only appears on the outside when we have not lived these “virtues” for too long.
So the thing we can learn from this “situation” is that we finally stand by ourselves and our values and protect them with conviction & strength and great commitment. That we show ourselves in public and carry our convictions & values out into the world.
Freedom & democracy, togetherness & love.
Citizens’ Initiatives for Democracy & Peace
Walk for Democracy (https://freiheit-2020.at/partei/)
Not without us (https://www.nichtohneuns.de/)
I disagree (https://ichbinanderermeinung.de/)
Platforms with critical & independent information about politics, economy & Corona
Knowledge Factory (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCruX0f0QtZGDCZXMCp3Bn6A)
Rubicon News (https://www.rubikon.news/)
KenFM (https://www.youtube.com/user/wwwKenFMde)
Eva Herman (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFWzMvdg4JvQTeHATrTEpPw)
acTVism Munich (https://www.youtube.com/user/acTVismMunich)
SWPRS (https://swprs.org/)